Development of environment friendly methods to stimulate seed germination and plant growth

Data wydarzenia 16/09/2024 10:00
17/09/2024 10:00
18/09/2024 10:00
Miasto Wrocław
Miejsce Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, pl. Grunwaldzki 24 A
Sala s. 444
Panel tematyczny Nauki rolnicze
Forma spotkania wykład
Tryb spotkania stacjonarnie
Grupa wiekowa szkoła ponadpodstawowa, dorośli

A lecture (45 min) will be presented in English by PhD student from India - Mrs. Tharuna Sree

Quality of seeds and yield are the basic parameters determining the effectiveness of crop production. It depends on the environmental conditions during seed germination, plant growth and development, maturation and seed storage after harvest. Seed germination is a complex physiological process that begins with water absorption and ends with the emergence of radicle. Improvement of germination parameters are challenges in modern agriculture. The development of agriculture and the related rational use of natural resources forces seed companies to search for novel, safe, environment friendly methods of increasing germination ability, vigour of seeds, and higher yields.

The aim of the lecture will be:
(a) to show new, safe, non-chemical methods of plant growth stimulation (physical factors) and macroalgae-based biostimulators,
(b) to reduce the chemicalisation of agriculture
(c) to increase germination ability of seeds of different plants. The results will be given according to International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) methodology.

I invite all to my lecture:)

Tharuna Sree from India

Prowadzący mgr Tharuna Sree
Afiliacje PhD Student, Wydział Przyrodniczo-Technologiczny, UPWr
Liczba miejsc 25
Zapisy od 01/04/2024
Zapisy do 14/09/2024
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Organizator Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

wykład w j. angielskim, czas trwania 45 min.